What's this site all about?

Who cares about analytics? Quite lot of people, but interest isn't enough to keep up.

There is a cross-pollination going on between analytical research methods used by academia and career data scientists studying market behavior. It's an inevitable fact of business practice. However, even as the world of data science and business have begun to collide, a wide gap in implementation still exists.

Yet, don't you worry! It's not as difficult as you think. The mission of this website is to be a resource to fill that gap, be an influence for the business world, and enhance the well-being of those around through advanced data practices. If it doesn't make much sense now, just copy, paste, and run the code on your own. It will come to you sooner than you think. Furthermore, commenting and correction is highly encouraged, so please note any feedback!

Many of these articles display knee-deep tutorials on how to effectively tune parameters on analytical models -it will mostly be in R, but you might see some python or some other scripting language. Others are just business tools, fun tricks with vizualization, and efficient data-work. Just warm enough for almost anyone to understand the objective, but complex enough to stretch your brain.

Navigate this page by skimming through the blog posts, or go straight to the portfolio for a stratified view.
