Tyki Wada
Experimenting with CLV
Housing Value of the Top 10 States
Exploring the Latent Space
Breaking down the Logistic Equation
Calculating Data Space
What is the difference?
Object Character Recognition
Bike Sharing Predictions
Difference in Differences
Accelerated Failure Time
Upgrade your notificaitons
Principal Component Analysis
Another look at Bayes
What is bought with what?
Which is the best car to buy?
Experimenting with More Algorithms
Using software with R
A form of Marketing Analytics in R
XGBoost, NNets, Log Reg, RF, KNN
TED talks Lasso Regression in R
Breakeven Analysis in Shiny using R
Dynamic Pricing Model in R
Scraping Amazon with RSelenium in R
Google Maps API in R
Stepwise Regression in R
Poisson Regression & Dates
Polynomial Regression & Splines in R
Creating credit card numbers in R
Random Forest Model in R
Seasonal ARIMA using R