Date manipulation can be a pain. Sometimes, this is due to the random formatting of different dates. In my personal opinion, R has quite a terrible class for dates. It MUST include year, month, and day. If not, you have to make sure to use format() to coerce it to...
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Do you like easter eggs? Well, you're in luck. This site is chock-full of them. From cookies to cheats, tunes to animated gifs. Happy Hunting!
Unzipping and Clustering FIFA data
I finally took the time to look at a soccer dataset!
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Experimenting with Splines and Polynomial Basis Function Expansions
Polynomial regressions and basis function expansions:
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Sales Strategy Bootstrapping with monte carlo error analysis!
We oftentimes undermine the power that non-parametric methods have in predicting probabilities of outcomes. Sometimes, we just don’t have enough data to find out a confidence estimate and interval of an outcome. Other times, we lack information to perform accurate hypothesis tests of statistical significance. These situations usually lead to...
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My credit card number wouldn't work at McDonald's so I made my own
_Webscraping with Rvest and investigating mod 10.
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